real weapon for csgo
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real weapon for csgo
- Cod:
// particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired
"MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_para_FP"
"MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_para"
"HeatEffect" "weapon_muzzle_smoke"
"HeatPerShot" "0.35"
"AddonScale" "0.90"
"AddonLocation" "primary_mg"
// model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets
"EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_rifle"
// the tracer particle effect and frequency
"TracerEffect" "weapon_tracers_mach"
// 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc
"TracerFrequency" "2"
"MaxPlayerSpeed" 500
"WeaponType" "Machinegun"
"FullAuto" 1
"WeaponPrice" "0"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "1.55"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "3"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "0"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "1"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "negev"
"CanEquipWithShield" "1"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "7"
"Damage" "47"
"Range" "1000000000"
"RangeModifier" "0.97"
"Bullets" "1"
"CycleTime" "0.05"
"TimeToIdle" "0.1"
"IdleInterval" "20"
FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.40
FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.55
// accuracy model parameters
"Spread" 3.00
"InaccuracyCrouch" 0.50
"InaccuracyStand" 0.70
"InaccuracyJump" 1.364
"InaccuracyLand" 0.409
"InaccuracyLadder" 136.43
"InaccuracyFire" 3.0
"InaccuracyMove" 3.0
"RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.624987
"RecoveryTimeStand" 0.874982
"RecoilAngle" 0
"RecoilAngleVariance" 50
"RecoilMagnitude" 22
"RecoilMagnitudeVariance" 2
"RecoilSeed" 57966
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_Negev"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_mach_negev.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_mach_negev.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "1"
"bucket_position" "2"
"clip_size" "250"
"default_clip" "-1"
"default_clip2" "-1"
"primary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_762MM"
"secondary_ammo" "None"
"weight" "25"
"item_flags" "0"
"rumble" "2"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_Negev.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "Z"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "Z"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "N"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-8 -8 -15"
Maxs "30 5 0"
Mins "-4 -8 -6"
Maxs "31 8 10"
for mp7
// particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired
"MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_smg"
"MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_smg"
"HeatEffect" "weapon_muzzle_smoke"
"HeatPerShot" "0.35"
"AddonLocation" "primary_smg"
// model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets
"EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_9mm"
// the tracer particle effect and frequency
"TracerEffect" "weapon_tracers_smg"
// 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc
"TracerFrequency" "3"
"MaxPlayerSpeed" 220
"WeaponType" "SubMachinegun"
"FullAuto" 1
"WeaponPrice" "1700"
"KillAward" "600"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "1.4"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "6"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "2"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "1"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "mp7"
"CanEquipWithShield" "0"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "1"
"Damage" "37"
"Range" "3600"
"RangeModifier" "0.85"
"Bullets" "1"
"CycleTime" "0.06.05"
"TimeToIdle" "2"
"IdleInterval" "20"
FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.45
FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.60
// accuracy model parameters
"Spread" 3.00
"InaccuracyCrouch" 0.01
"InaccuracyStand" 1.00
"InaccuracyJump" 0.500
"InaccuracyLand" 0.500
"InaccuracyLadder" 57.56
"InaccuracyFire" 2.18
"InaccuracyMove" 3.00
"RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.312494
"RecoveryTimeStand" 0.437491
"RecoilAngle" 0
"RecoilAngleVariance" 70
"RecoilMagnitude" 16
"RecoilMagnitudeVariance" 1
"RecoilSeed" 61649
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_MP7"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_smg_mp7.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_smg_mp7.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "0"
"bucket_position" "0"
"clip_size" "50"
"default_clip" "-1"
"default_clip2" "-1"
"primary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_57MM"
"secondary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_INFINITE"
"weight" "25"
"item_flags" "0"
"rumble" "3"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_MP7.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "X"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "X"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "R"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-10 -4 -13"
Maxs "21 9 -1"
Mins "-10 -7 -6"
Maxs "22 8 9"
for taser
// particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired
"MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_taser"
"MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_taser"
"HeatEffect" ""
"HeatPerShot" "0.0"
// model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets
"EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_9mm"
// the tracer particle effect and frequency
"TracerEffect" "weapon_tracers_taser"
// 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc
"TracerFrequency" "1"
"MaxPlayerSpeed" 300
"WeaponType" "Knife"
"FullAuto" 1
"WeaponPrice" "10"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "5.50"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "8"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "3"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "1"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "pistol"
"CanEquipWithShield" "1"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "0"
"Damage" "700"
"Range" "19099"
"RangeModifier" "0.0049"
"Bullets" "3"
"CycleTime" "0.15"
FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.50
FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.65
// accuracy model parameters
"Spread" 0
//old "InaccuracyCrouch" 0
"InaccuracyCrouch" 0
//old "InaccuracyStand" 0
"InaccuracyStand" 0
"InaccuracyJump" 0
"InaccuracyLand" 0
"InaccuracyLadder" 0
"InaccuracyFire" 0
//old "InaccuracyMove" 0
"InaccuracyMove" 0
"RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.287823
"RecoveryTimeStand" 0.345388
"RecoilSeed" 687
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_Taser"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_eq_taser.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_eq_taser.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "2"
"bucket_position" "1"
"clip_size" "999"
"default_clip" "991"
"default_clip2" "995"
"primary_ammo" "AMMO_TYPE_ELECTRIC"
"secondary_ammo" "None"
"weight" "5"
"rumble" "1"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_Taser.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "Y"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "Y"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "T"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-8 -3 -14"
Maxs "17 9 0"
Mins "-1 -3 -2"
Maxs "10 3 5"
for xm1014
// particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired
"MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun"
"MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun"
"HeatEffect" "weapon_muzzle_smoke"
"HeatPerShot" "1.5"
"AddonScale" "0.90"
"AddonLocation" "primary_shotgun"
// model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets
"EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_shotgun"
// the tracer particle effect and frequency
"TracerEffect" "weapon_tracers_shot"
// 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc
"TracerFrequency" "1"
"MaxPlayerSpeed" 500
"WeaponType" "Shotgun"
"FullAuto" 1
"WeaponPrice" "20"
"KillAward" "9000"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "1.95"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "9"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "4"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "1"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "xm1014"
"CanEquipWithShield" "0"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "0"
"Damage" "55"
"Range" "3000"
"RangeModifier" "0.70"
"Bullets" "6"
"CycleTime" "0.25"
FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.40
FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.45
// accuracy model parameters
"Spread" 30
"InaccuracyCrouch" 10.25
"InaccuracyStand" 1.00
"InaccuracyJump" 20.772
"InaccuracyLand" 0.232
"InaccuracyLadder" 77.21
"InaccuracyFire" 8.83
"InaccuracyMove" 3.00
"RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.361835
"RecoveryTimeStand" 0.506569
"RecoilAngle" 0
"RecoilAngleVariance" 20
"RecoilMagnitude" 80
"RecoilMagnitudeVariance" 20
"RecoilSeed" 24862
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_xm1014"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_shot_xm1014.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_shot_xm1014.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "0"
"bucket_position" "0"
"clip_size" "13"
"default_clip" "-1"
"default_clip2" "-1"
"secondary_ammo" "None"
"weight" "20"
"item_flags" "0"
"rumble" "5"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_XM1014.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "]"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "]"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "J"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-13 -3 -11"
Maxs "29 10 0"
Mins "-4 -8 -4"
Maxs "30 8 6"
for nova
// particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired
"MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun"
"MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_autoshotgun"
"HeatEffect" "weapon_muzzle_smoke"
"HeatPerShot" "1.5"
"AddonScale" "0.90"
"AddonLocation" "primary_shotgun"
// model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets
"EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_shotgun"
// the tracer particle effect and frequency
"TracerEffect" "weapon_tracers_shot"
// 0 = never, 1 = every shot, 2 = every other, etc
"TracerFrequency" "1"
"MaxPlayerSpeed" 300
"WeaponType" "Shotgun"
"FullAuto" 1
"WeaponPrice" "12"
"KillAward" "1000"
"WeaponArmorRatio" "5"
"CrosshairMinDistance" "3"
"CrosshairDeltaDistance" "3"
"Team" "ANY"
"BuiltRightHanded" "1"
"PlayerAnimationExtension" "nova"
"CanEquipWithShield" "0"
// Weapon characteristics:
"Penetration" "0"
"Damage" "50"
"Range" "300000"
"RangeModifier" "0.70"
"Bullets" "9"
"CycleTime" "0.75"
FlinchVelocityModifierLarge 0.40
FlinchVelocityModifierSmall 0.45
// accuracy model parameters
"Spread" 15
"InaccuracyCrouch" 30.00
"InaccuracyStand" 30.00
"InaccuracyJump" 30.00
"InaccuracyLand" 30.00
"InaccuracyLadder" 78.75
"InaccuracyFire" 9.72
"InaccuracyMove" 17.00
"RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.328941
"RecoveryTimeStand" 0.460517
"RecoilAngle" 0
"RecoilAngleVariance" 20
"RecoilMagnitude" 143
"RecoilMagnitudeVariance" 22
"RecoilSeed" 7763
// Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs.
"printname" "#SFUI_WPNHUD_Nova"
"viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_shot_nova.mdl"
"playermodel" "models/weapons/w_shot_nova.mdl"
"anim_prefix" "anim"
"bucket" "1"
"bucket_position" "1"
"clip_size" "10"
"default_clip" "-1"
"default_clip2" "-1"
"secondary_ammo" "None"
"weight" "20"
"item_flags" "0"
"rumble" "5"
// Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds)
//"reload" "Default.Reload"
//"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle"
"single_shot" "Weapon_Nova.Single"
// Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL.
"font" "CSweaponsSmall"
"character" "K"
"font" "CSweapons"
"character" "K"
"font" "CSTypeDeath"
"character" "J"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
"file" "sprites/crosshairs"
"x" "0"
"y" "48"
"width" "24"
"height" "24"
Mins "-13 -3 -13"
Maxs "26 10 -3"
Mins "-9 -8 -5"
Maxs "28 9 9"
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